Hot current Tournament

Hot current Tournament of the season 2015 and super masterclass with our expert fisherman Tommy

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The Graceful Drifter is a 2002 28-foot Cape Horn with twin 2005 225 HP motors. She is a center console, with ample room for fishing from the bow as well as the stern. Recent renovations include new radar, sonar, solar panel installation and a working head (toilet).

A trip may be booked as an open boat trip at the Captain’s discretion. Please call and inquire within a week of when you’d like to go fishing. 50% deposit due upon booking. Remainder due prior to leaving the dock. Deposit refund will be made up to 2 weeks prior to book date to allow time for us to rebook that date. If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible. There is a six-passenger limit. Payment for four is our minimum chartering fee.

The first Atlantic salmon grown entirely on land are now landing on grocery store shelves, marketed as a sustainable alternative to salmon grown in ocean-based net pens. The land-based Atlantic salmon, branded under the name Kuterra, is being distributed by Albion Fisheries and sold at 140 Safeway stores in B.C. and Alberta. We also provide our service areas tx as atlantic salmon grown well and has good customer review.

Atlantic salmon grown in net pens is red-listed by sustainable seafood groups SeaChoice and Ocean Wise for its impact on wild salmon and the use of antibiotics and pesticides in production.

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